About Us

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About Us

43 Years of Experience in Solar & Renewable Energy

43 years of solar and renewable energy experience: In the early 1980’s the idea of solar home and pool heating took hold in the Midwest and Eastern Seaboard. My company regularly installed both hydronic and air solar systems. We recruited plumbing and heating contractors throughout the Midwest to sell and install our systems. The solar market place had yet to embrace photovoltaic systems to produce needed electricity. By the year 2000 I had worked for several companies marketing photovoltaic solar systems. Today the focus has been more on this type of application than the early days of solar. Altever Solar uses the most advanced technology for both designing ,quoting and installing solar equipment.
Our goal is to change the modern world and create sustainable and nature friendly energy solutions for future generations

CEO Syngenic

Why Choose Us

Professionalism and capability can best describe the attitude and skill of our engineers, installers and energy consultants (sales reps). Our production of electricity is guaranteed and we never create a pressurized buying environment.

Powerfull Strategy

Our corporate strategy is focused on providing hight quality solar systems and ancillary products coupled with traditional and creative financing alternatives. By partnering with local tradesmen that have established reputations, our solar systems are purchased with confidence by homeowners.Our installers have put thousands of panels on homes throughout the United States.

Save Your Money

Increases in the cost of electricity have been well documented in recent years. On average we have seen approximately a 5% annual increase in the cost of a Killowatt hour. As our nations electrical grid continues to age and the demand for power becomes greater. An antiquated delivery system will struggle to meet the populations needs. Record increases are predicted in the coming years.Our solar systems with Power Purchase Agreements (PPA’s), cap the rate of annual cost well below that charged by the utility. Savings are guaranteed for 25 years or more. Solar energy has been depicted as the least expensive source of power.

Certified Engineers

Engineering from design to Installation involves licensed personnel who are required to have the appropriate liability insurance and experience to fulfill all project requirements.

Free Consultation

Be assured that the quoting process is not a smoke screen for high pressure tactics. The purchasing decision must be based on credible information and data provided prior to the sale.